And we can also recognize open channels, where we are receptive for specific energetics. Of course we have unconscious channels and conscious channels, where life-force is constantly flowing. Here the principle of "the sum is greater than its parts" applies. Please note that a channel has nothing to do with the gates. a minimum of 2 defined centers, a channel must be defined. There are completely open centers, without any activation, and there are undefined centers, where at least one activation is present. A center can be defined consciously or unconsciously - thus colored. A center is an energy hub that brings context, represents a kind of life dimension, and transmutes the inherent energies. By the way, a gate can be dormant if it is hanging from an open center, or actively hanging if it is hanging from a defined center. if the triangle looks down, the line is in detriment. This is an indication of a fixation of the line - because these are also binary. Behind the line you can see from time to time a triangle looking up or down or both at the same time. The number behind the gates is called a line.

Behind each gate is a "dot" and behind it another number. These are fixed potentials, aspects imprinted by the planets at your birth. What we can also see here are the numbers which we call gates or hexgrams. Be aware that the sun and the earth already make up 70% of your being.

In addition, you can very well recognize which of the astrological symbols is assigned to which planet or celestial aspect. It is what you can consciously identify about yourself. This is related to your mind, but also to your psychology. On the right side we have the personality, all in black. It is the tunnels in which magic happens that you can only recognize retrospectively. It is what others see in you and what you are unaware of. ** You can see very well that the red side is called "design" and is related to the body. **In this illustrated guide for the Human Design Chart from bodygraph.io you have basic info explained.