Online shopping UML use case diagram example
Online shopping UML use case diagram example

UMLet also allows users to create their own custom UML elements. Elements can also be modified inside their palettes and immediately used as new templates this way, users can easily tailor UMLet to their modeling needs. Learning about the various element features is supported by prototypically using them from sample palettes. UML elements are modified using text input and a small markdown dialect instead of pop-up dialogs. Just Select Association, Click on Admin, and Drag it to the Use Case which you need to connect.Īs I have explained the steps to draw a Use Case Diagram for Online Shopping in Star UML, by adding the Use Case Subject, Actors, Use Cases, And connecting the Actors with the Use Cases.UMLet is a UML tool aimed at providing a fast way of creating UML sketches. User Will Register, View Item, Make Order, Make Payments, and change Password.Admin will Add Item, Add Category, Manage Item, Manage Order, Manage Registration.Admin will manage login as well as user will Use it.✦ Connect Admin and User with the Use Cases with Association: Last Use Case is Change Password, as the user can go to His/Her Account and Change its password if they want.

Online shopping UML use case diagram example

The ninth Use Case is when the User Makes an Order, then He/She will Make Payments. After Viewing the Item, there comes the Eight Use Case which is Make Order. Seventh Use Case, View Item will be connected with User, as He/She will view the item and then proceed further to purchase. The Sixth Use Case is, Registration is part of a User because without signing up for an Online Shopping System User cannot do other activities. The fifth Use Case is Manage Order which is also managed by an Admin. The fourth Use Case is Manage Item, as adding items is the responsibility of an Admin so Managing Item is also part of Admin. The third Use Case is Add Category which will also be managed by the Admin. The second Use Case is to Add Itemthat will be done by the Admin that needs to be taken care of.

Online shopping UML use case diagram example

So, Select Use Case from the left and add it inside the Use Case Subject. As User will First Login and then He/She can proceed to order something. The first use case that is important for an Online Shopping System is Login. You can also change the Actors Line Color by Right Click -> Line Color. On the left side, pick the Actor Use case and just click wherever you want to add and change its name. So For Online Shopping, There are basically two Actors:

Online shopping UML use case diagram example

Just click on it and Then Make it on the White Side and Give it the name Online Shopping System. The first step to draw a Use Case Diagram for Online Shopping is to Add a Use Case Subject From the left. Step 3: Draw a Use Case Diagram ✦ Add Use Case Subject:

Online shopping UML use case diagram example